As I write this, the rain falls gently, the sky is gray, and a mild breeze signals the change of seasons. This transition can represent so many different things…
For some of us, this time of year means back to school and a return to schedules and routines. This can feel like a relief and a return to much-needed normalcy. Yet, it may also bring sadness or disappointment as the beauty and freedom of summer slip away. It can feel daunting, especially for anxious college students returning to overwhelming schedules or parents navigating 504s and IEPs for their children.
For some of us, this time of year means that Fall and Winter are coming. This can feel exciting! Hooray for pumpkin everything, beautiful leaves, and so many cherished Holidays! But this can also feel daunting. For those of us who struggle with our families of origin, the Holidays can bring a sense of dread instead of celebration. And Seasonal Affective Disorder affects a minimum of 5% of the population, so the darker skies and colder weather can take a toll on our mental and physical health.
Regardless of how this transition affects you, change often brings uncertainty. When will the depression kick in? How will my kiddo do in this new grade? New school? What kind of shit will my family pull this year? How am I going to deal with this upcoming election? And as the ever-wise Indigo Girls have famously crooned, it’s easy to wrap our fear around us like a blanket.
And yet, alongside the fear and uncertainty, there’s also the potential for growth and unexpected joy. New possibilities. Outcomes better than we ever could’ve expected. Strength and resilience that we had no idea we possessed. Supportive people and opportunities that we never could have foreseen. Healthy conflict that leads to relational repair and greater intimacy. Change, and the challenges it brings, can be tough…but it’s also an opportunity…an invitation…
To let go of control.
To surrender to what IS.
To be right here, right NOW.
To breathe through fear and discomfort.
To lean into the belief that it’s all going to turn out Ok.
To put on your detective hat, bust out your flashlight and binoculars, and explore every nook and cranny for beauty…for the glimmers…for the everyday things that are so wonderful but we often take for granted.
You are powerful. You are wise. You deserve joy, peace, and ease. And it’s all available to you…even when it feels most challenging to find.
May you embrace this season with an open heart, finding the courage to lean into whatever it is and trust that on the other side of fear, there is magic waiting to be discovered ❤️
Sending love, light, and blessings,
Colleen Cira