Cira Center for Behavioral Health


August: Change and Transition

As I write this, the rain falls gently, the sky is gray, and a mild breeze signals the change of seasons. This transition can represent so many different things…  For some of us, this time of year means back to school and a return to schedules and routines. ...

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Brock Turner is Not the Problem

Brock Turner is Not the Problem

Chapped, rough lips covering my entire mouth.  Hungry, wet tongue slamming into the back of my throat.  My chest heaving, gasping for air that is hard to find.  A cold hand forcing it's way up my shirt.  Awkward, hard fingers frantically pulling at my bra to grope at...

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THIS is The Way You Should Be Parenting

THIS is The Way You Should Be Parenting

That sounds ridiculous right??  That there's one way to do something so insanely complicated??  The idea that there actually are right answers??  And yet, we read those kinds of posts and articles all the time and hear it just as frequently.  This is the same...but...

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Broken Can Be Beautiful

Broken Can Be Beautiful

Broken can be beautiful. Does that sound strange to you?  Do you believe that it's actually true or that I'm just trying to spin something? Initially, it sounded strange to me too, but it doesn't take more than a minute or two when I really think about what that...

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Inside My Childhood War

It was October 16, 1996.  I am 15 years old and sitting in an assembly at my high school chatting with my friends when the nurse finds me and tells me that my Mom is here and needs to talk to me. Meredith is dead.I hear my Mom’s words before I ever make it to the...

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